COVID-19 Updates
Starting March 1st, 2022, no proof of vaccination will be required to access the facility as per Government of Ontario Reopening Plan.
Following the May 20th announcement of reopening Ontario after the 4th lockdown, a couple of updates for the currently enrolled customers:
- Ontario gyms planned to re-open Stage 3 by July 26th.
- Summer Camp may take place as promised by the government; rules and regulations will follow.
- Outdoor training for athletes may resume Stage 1, June 14th.
- Winter 2021 participants will have a credit in their file that can be used for Fall ‘21 Session, or anytime until Dec 2022, for their unfinished programs.
- Spring 2021 participants will have a credit in their file that can be used for a FULL Fall ‘21 Session, or anytime until Dec 2022, for their postponed programs of 8 weeks.
- In the following 3 weeks, all spring customers will be contacted by phone or by email.
This communication is to provide an update regarding Recreational and Competitive Programming due to COVID-19/Coronavirus. The following participants and athletes have been affected by the latest events, as spring training, classes, camps and parties have been postponed:
- Recreational all year members September 2019 – June 2020
- Recreational spring members March 2020 – June 2020
- Camps and parties – March, April, May 2020
Under Stage 1 of reopening, registered competitive athletes were allowed to restart training. Under Stage 2, the province allowed the 2020 Summer Camp to take place. Under Stage 3, gyms were allowed to open at this point – 5o max capacity in the gym! Customers who have pre-paid for programs will have the funds credited towards similar services that can be rebooked. The credits policy will stay in effect until the end of the 2022 season. A credit is eligible to be claimed only ONCE. Once the program has started, that program must be attended and cannot be deferred to another season. No refunds will be issued. We thank you for your ongoing patience during this challenging time. – Team Olympia
Read more about the Gymnastics Ontario Opening Framework | Download the Gymnastics Ontario Opening Protocols PDF